Lisa Edd

Senior Regional Sales Manager

Lisa is a great example of the Laws of Attraction at work. Back in 2003 when our company was having its first growth spurt, we envisioned our dream hire: a multi-talented dynamo with the perfect blend of creativity and logic…Bonus points if she was also super smart, heart-forward, wonderfully witty and a just little bit wacky. Then Lisa magically appeared. We knew she was the one and proposed on the first date. Nearly a decade later, when Lisa needed to step away from her job to care for her family, we were understanding on the outside (but more than a little heartbroken on the inside). Then, in summer 2023, it happened again: Right when we’re searching for “someone like Lisa,” she found her way back to us! We like to think of Lisa as a beautiful, enchanted boomerang—and we’re so glad she just couldn’t quit us for long!

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Domestic status: Mar­ried over 20 years to a man who under­stands me, bal­ances me, and keeps me grounded. 

Best advice to couples: The wed­ding is a cel­e­bra­tion, but the mar­riage is far more impor­tant and can take even more plan­ning and atten­tion to detail. As you’re mak­ing these deci­sions for your day, take a deep breath, exhale slow­ly, and do some­thing for your part­ner reg­u­lar­ly that will help remind you why you’re tak­ing this leap together.

Guilty pleasures: Real­i­ty TV and com­e­dy spe­cials always help me recharge because I can turn my brain off for a bit, laugh, and remem­ber that so much of life has a sense of humor. And GAMES, video or oth­er­wise. A good-natured, com­pet­i­tive game of Mario Kart or Scrab­ble has always done more for me and my hus­band than any cou­ples ther­a­pist ever has, and now games like this help me con­nect with my kids in a fun way.

Childhood career choice: I want­ed to be a dancer or an actress. In col­lege, I want­ed to be a jour­nal­ist because I love ask­ing ques­tions and nev­er want to stop learning.

What I love about my job: I have a tried-and-true sup­port sys­tem that has helped me become a bet­ter ver­sion of myself through­out my adult life, and I also get to work with them to con­tin­ue improv­ing, both per­son­al­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. That gift is nev­er lost on me. I know it’s by design that every sin­gle per­son on staff feels like some­one I’ve known my whole life, but it also nev­er ceas­es to amaze me. 

Favorite wedding-related movie: My Big Fat Greek Wed­ding. It has a spe­cial place in my heart because it came out the year I was mar­ried, and I laughed and cried right along with those char­ac­ters because it was sim­i­lar to my own sto­ry. It was espe­cial­ly cool to watch it with my kids this many years later. 

Extracurricular activities: I knit to keep my hands busy, and to calm my brain. I’m also a proud mom of a fencer and a hock­ey goalie, and it lights me up to watch them explore and enjoy their pas­sions. Cheer­ing them on is my favorite extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ty, because I get to learn more about who they are.

Favorite wedding detail: Hon­est­ly, it was the stuff that didn’t go right that I look back on most fond­ly. We were locked out of our hotel room on our wed­ding night, and I was so tired I word­less­ly just sank onto the floor by the door, and my new hus­band went to get the key. I remem­ber smil­ing to myself because nei­ther of us had to say any­thing. We just knew what came next.

Work space décor: A cozy vel­vet chair, bright col­ors, real­ly smooth fine-tip black pens, and my writ­ten plan­ner. I can­not sur­vive with­out my shared Google Cal­en­dars at this stage in my life, but I still find I need to write out my sched­ule and to-do lists to inter­nal­ize it more effectively.

What people most underestimate about me: How much I hate giv­ing up. I will always find a solu­tion to a prob­lem if it’s impor­tant to me. One of my most-used phras­es came from Mered­ith many years ago: What you focus on, you can resolve.” It’s become a fun­da­men­tal part of how I approach life.

Fictional character I most identify with: I’ll say it. I’m Weird Bar­bie from the Bar­bie movie. Maybe I don’t look like I did at the start of my adven­ture, but I also have a sense of humor about it, and I’m the per­son peo­ple come to when they need help. I’m reli­able, more than a lit­tle off­beat, and a cre­ative prob­lem solver.

Theme song: Going The Dis­tance,” by Cake. It will for­ev­er be my favorite work­out song.