Christina Kessler

Customer Relationship Manager

You’re not seeing double—Christina and Lauren are sisters. And not just in the Here Comes The Guide "sisterhood" sense, but in real life! Christina's one half of a really dynamic duo, and we couldn't help but double down on her talents. She has an incredible eye for imagery and a knack for visual storytelling, which helps show off our venues in the best possible light. But don't let her pristine aesthetic fool you, because this girl can really let her hair down. From learning golf to playing pickleball and tearing it up at the Kentucky racetracks, Christina is the fun sister every gal wants by her side.

Insider Info

How I start my morning: Enjoy­ing my morn­ing cof­fee while read­ing my dai­ly devo­tion­al and snug­gling with my Great Pyre­nees babies!

A film that I never get sick of watching: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days! Whether I’m hap­py, sad, or in between, this is my go-to movie every time!

How I spend my free time: Gar­den­ing, enjoy­ing the sun­shine, try­ing out new recipes from Tik­Tok, going for runs with my dogs, or drink­ing mar­gar­i­tas with my besties.

What I'm listening to: Crime Junkies Pod­cast and a wide vari­ety of music — coun­try, alter­na­tive, and ear­ly 2000s hip hop!

Favorite way to wind down after a long day: A glass of pinot noir and sev­er­al hand­fuls of dark choco­late chips while watch­ing a clas­sic rom-com. 

Dream vacation: Any­where in Asia! Bali, Sin­ga­pore, Japan, Thai­land. I can’t pick just one!

My perfect afternoon: There is noth­ing bet­ter than spend­ing an after­noon dri­ving a golf cart, attempt­ing” to play golf, and fin­ish­ing the evening with a com­pet­i­tive game of pickleball. 

What I love most about my job: Where do I even start? The gen­uine love from every­one here, the work-life bal­ance, and the abil­i­ty to look at beau­ti­ful wed­ding venues all day long!