Lauren Cartmell

Customer Relationship Manager Lead

Lauren really can do it all. She came to us with a wealth of experience: from event planning, to wedding coordination, to working as a Barre instructor, to real estate—she's never been afraid to dive in headfirst! When she's not walking for endless miles with her husband and her two pups, you can find her behind the scenes at Here Comes The Guide beautifying venue profiles and welcoming any new tasks that are thrown her way. And the best part? She carries out every part of her life with a welcoming smile and a twinkle in her eye. She's a total dazzler and we are so grateful for the special light she brings!

Insider Info

Marital status: I mar­ried the best man I’ve ever met in May of 2019 in the gar­den of a his­toric home in down­town Lex­ing­ton, Ken­tucky. It was small and low-key with only hors d’oeu­vres because we spent our entire bud­get on a live jazz band (worth every pen­ny). It also hap­pened to be the day a mon­soon swept across the coun­try. When asked what my rain plan” was, I replied we get wet”. And we did. It was per­fect­ly imperfect.

How I spend my free time: I love trav­el­ing, walk­ing way too many miles a day to appease our two large dogs, any out­door activ­i­ty, catch­ing up with old friends, and teach­ing an ear­ly morn­ing Pure Barre class.

Films I never get sick of watching: For­rest Gump, Dou­ble Jeop­ardy, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and The Sixth Sense.

Favorite quotes: And He will be our peace…” Mic­ah 5:5 and Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.” —Hen­ry Ford

Premarital advice: Pre­pare more for your mar­riage than you do for your wed­ding. As far as the wed­ding day goes, don’t allow any­one to influ­ence your deci­sions. As some­one who had worked in the wed­ding indus­try, I had a lot of pres­sure from every­one in my cir­cle for my wed­ding day. But we just want­ed small and sim­ple and I’m so glad we did what worked best for us.

What people underestimate about me: Appar­ent­ly I come off as real­ly girly (which I total­ly am) but I grew up on a farm and there’s noth­ing I love more than dri­ving the trac­tor, feed­ing the ani­mals, and dig­ging in the garden.

Childhood career choice: A vet or a teacher but nei­ther would work because the sight of blood makes me pass out. I’m also not the most patient per­son. #workingo­nit

Guilty Pleasure: Pol­i­tics! I find pol­i­tics so inter­est­ing and love keep­ing up with what’s going on in the world. Also, being bare­foot. Weird, I know, but if there is any oppor­tu­ni­ty to not wear shoes, I’m tak­ing it. Ask my mom for child­hood sto­ries of me tak­ing my shoes off at inop­por­tune times. Com­fort above all else!

What I love about my job: Absolute­ly every­thing. The women are amaz­ing and the care they pro­vide for their work, clients, and each oth­er is genuine.