Patio/ Deck/ Terrace Wedding Venues in Northern California
Would you like to have your cocktail hour or wedding reception outdoors with a glorious view? Check out these fabulous Northern California venues with a pretty patio, deck or terrace space.
See prices, capacity and other information to help you compare patio/ deck/ terrace wedding venues in the Bay Area, Napa/Sonoma Wine Country, Lake Tahoe and beyond.
Not exactly what you are looking for? Search by type of wedding venue, region, or other criteria below. Know what Questions to Ask a Wedding Venue.
featured ...
Santa Cruz
Chaminade Resort & Spa -
Hyatt Carmel Highlands -
Kimpton Sawyer Hotel -
The General's Daughter
Click on a region to view a list of all patio / deck / terrace wedding venues in that region.
- Bay Area
- East Bay
- Lake Tahoe / Northern Sierras
- Monterey and Carmel
- Napa and Sonoma Wine Country
- North Bay / Marin
- North Coast / Mendocino
- Redwood Coast / Humboldt County
- Sacramento / Gold Country
- San Francisco
- SF Peninsula / Half Moon Bay
- San Joaquin and Central Valley
- San Jose / South Bay
- Santa Cruz
- Shasta / North State
- Solano County
- Tri-Valley and Livermore Wine Country
- Yosemite / Mammoth / Forests