Shannon Montero

Regional Sales Lead

Don't let her sweet exterior and winning smile fool you. Shannon is a sales and marketing ninja who basically broke every "newbie" record at Here Comes The Guide within her first week of working here. We attribute all that success to her upbeat personality and determination to get the job done…and she gets it done fast. Case in point: She planned her own wedding in less than 8 weeks and was still the most charming bride imaginable! Besides keeping all of us on our toes, she also keeps busy with a husband and adorable baby girl, is obsessed with adirondack chairs and lake living, and gets a thrill every time she checks something off her to-do list.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Domestic status: Mar­ried with a spunky and adorable daugh­ter (bonus: my hus­band cooks us amaz­ing meals!)

My wedding in a nutshell: Teary eyed I Do”s fol­lowed by a cozy, can­dlelit din­ner party.

Favorite wedding moment: Hon­est­ly, it was dur­ing the actu­al cer­e­mo­ny. There were under 30 peo­ple there and it was real­ly inti­mate with every­one just gath­ered around us. I loved say­ing our vows and see­ing how emo­tion­al my hus­band got.

Dream honeymoon: An all-inclu­sive beach vaca­tion would be just the right med­i­cine to escape the day to day hus­tle. I imag­ine my biggest ques­tion every after­noon would be, Mar­gari­ta time or nap time?” Talk about a dilemma!

Guilty pleasure: To be able to sleep in past 6am, ever. Sweet, sweet sleep. Ah, those were the days.

What people most underestimate about me: I am incred­i­bly obser­vant. I notice real­ly sub­tle moments and emo­tions that oth­er peo­ple don’t always pick up on.

Favorite things: Cof­fee, try­ing as many restau­rants as pos­si­ble, wine, nature, ani­mals, attempt­ing yoga.

Favorite way to wind down after a long day: A nice long walk fol­lowed by a per­fect­ly chilled glass of Chardon­nay, please.

Pet peeves: Neg­a­tiv­i­ty with a side of negativity.

Work space décor: A vintage‑y white desk with a few fam­i­ly pho­tos, and turquoise print­ed cur­tains that make me real­ly hap­py. Sim­ple and clean with just enough pret­ty”. And cof­fee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Most unrealistic life goal: Becom­ing a full-on yogi. My ham­strings just don’t agree.

What pushes my panic button: Scary movies. I can’t even watch the pre­views any­more. I’m a wimp!

Childhood career choice: An archi­tect. I had sketch­books full of elab­o­rate house plans that I drew as a kid. I was real­ly into it. Now, I binge watch HGTV to get my fill, and dream of build­ing my own house one day.

Source of Inspiration: My amaz­ing­ly kind, smart, and beau­ti­ful mom.

What I like most about my job: Being part of such a pos­i­tive work envi­ron­ment, where every­one is appre­ci­at­ed and encour­aged. Work­ing with fun and inspir­ing women. Plus, at the core of it all, wed­dings are about LOVE, and that is some­thing to celebrate.