Sarah Wishing

Regional Sales Manager

Sarah Wishing had us awestruck on day one. It's rare to meet someone who knows precisely what they want and expresses it well—but this creative, curious powerhouse also knows her strengths inside and out. Sarah's guided by her passions: For example, a coffee obsession led her to moonlight as a Starbucks barista so she could create the perfect cup. She presents herself with a killer combo of grace, confidence, humor, and a dash of humility, which puts her clients at ease in record time. Sarah's equally at home on a crowded dance floor or curling up with some cool classic lit, so it's safe to say she fits in well at Here Comes The Guide. Most days, we just get out of the way to watch her shine.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Favorite things: Clas­si­cal lit­er­a­ture, art, and all things basic!! I love Jane Austen, Tay­lor Swift, paint­ing and draw­ing, and trash real­i­ty TV.

How I spend my free time: I’m an artist and such an intro­vert at heart! I LOVE peo­ple but def­i­nite­ly get my ener­gy from being alone. You can find me read­ing a book, try­ing a new paint­ing tech­nique, prac­tic­ing yoga at the gym, or get­ting brunch with my friends!

Film that I never get sick of watching: 2005 Pride and Prej­u­dice. The hand flex. #IYKYK

Guilty pleasures: Keep­ing Up with the Kar­dashi­ans (Kar­dashi­ans on Hulu now?) and brown­ie sundaes.

Favorite Books: Wuther­ing Heights, Per­sua­sion, The Bell Jar, East of Eden, The Alchemist… SHORT list, I could gen­uine­ly go on and on.

Favorite quote: He want­ed all to lie in an ecsta­sy of peace; I want­ed all to sparkle and dance in a glo­ri­ous jubilee. I said his heav­en would be only half alive; and he said mine would be drunk: I said I should fall asleep in his; and he said he could not breathe in mine.” –Emi­ly Bron­të, Wuther­ing Heights

Workspace decor: Stand­ing desk right in front of my huge win­dows that over­look the beau­ti­ful bridges of Pitts­burgh!! Oh, and all the pink desk accessories.

What I love most about my job: It’s unheard of to work for a women-ori­ent­ed com­pa­ny that is so uplift­ing and sup­port­ive. What we have is rare and real. And the four-day work­week is a huge bonus!!