Sara Moran

Regional Sales Lead | Texas

In the world of weddings, people often say "when you know, you know" when talking about finding their future spouse. Well, that is EXACTLY what it was like for Here Comes The Guide when we hired Sara. She's extremely smart, no question, but she is also very wise – a truly powerful combination. She is Type A to the core—loves a list and a highlighter and an organized pantry with a passion—yet she's also warm and empathetic and kind-hearted. Sara joins us as a Regional Sales Lead and trust us when we tell you that she not only wants our venue clients to succeed, but she's willing to put in the effort to make it happen. Yep, we're pretty much smitten and we know you'll be as well. #shehadusathello

Insider Info

Marital status: I met my hus­band through friends and we were best buds for years before we real­ized what was right in front of us. He is easy­go­ing, hilar­i­ous, and hard-work­ing. We have 2 teenage daugh­ters (send help!), a base­ball-lov­ing son, and 2 lit­tle dogs~ Bud­dy and Bowie. 

Things I love: My fam­i­ly, my best friends, Jesus, stormy weath­er, cow­boy boots, lit­tle league base­ball games, hot tea, cozy blan­kets, and singing in my car. 

Guilty Pleasures: Bring on the jalapeño chips, spicy pep­per jack cheese, and any real­i­ty show with peo­ple rac­ing around the world, try­ing to sur­vive the wilder­ness, or com­pet­ing in challenges! 

What pushes my panic button: Clut­ter! I have an incred­i­ble desire to get rid of any­thing and every­thing we do not need. When I am feel­ing over­whelmed, I will walk around the house with a dona­tion bag fill­ing it with all the extra stuff. This makes for some fun” fam­i­ly discussions. 

Favorite quote: Storms make trees take deep­er roots.” —Dol­ly Parton

What I love most about my job: Easy answer: My #hop­p­y­sis­ters are mag­i­cal. They inspire and moti­vate me to be my best self every day. They are crazy smart, hard­work­ing, and ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing our clients suc­ceed. Do I need to even men­tion the work/​life bal­ance we have going on here?