Marie Masa
Regional Sales Lead | California
When we interview at Here Comes The Guide, once in a while a candidate comes along that simply speaks to us at a gut level. Marie was one of those women. She exudes a level of competence that is compelling but does so with a sense of humility and a heart of service that makes her immediately likable. She's a passionate advocate for neuro and cultural diversity, and is bold enough to speak her truth; but does so with abundant amounts of grace. She's the woman you want in your corner when facing any challengeâshe'll give it to you straight but also have your backâall while figuring out the best resolution. We are so grateful that we have her as an advocate for our wedding venue clients and, even more so, for our sisterhood.
Insider Info
Pronouns: she / her / hers
Familial Status: Iâve been marÂried to my best friend for 10 years and we have three ridicuÂlousÂly adorable boys (and, no, we arenât going to ââgo for the girlâ and have anothÂer. Weâre closed for busiÂness, folks!)
Favorite way to wind down after a hard day: All I need is a couch, a cup of hot cocoa, and a realÂly good TV show, podÂcast, or book. Oh, and my kids absoluteÂly have to be in bed. There is no ââwindÂing downâ while the wild things roam!
Guilty pleasures: Dance Moms and eatÂing a bunch of peanut butÂter when Iâm away from my kids. (2 out of 3 are allerÂgic to peanuts and tree nuts!)
Secret talent: Letâs call itâŚâresearchingâ peoÂple on the interÂnet. Oh, your friend is datÂing someÂone new? All I need is a name and Iâll give you ALL the dirt.
What pushes my panic button: Packed parkÂing lots.
Something not a lot of people know about me: Iâm irraÂtionalÂly afraid of bugs. Not just spiÂders (though they most cerÂtainÂly terÂriÂfy me), but harmÂless ones like moths and flies, too. I think itâs because I canât preÂdict their traÂjecÂtoÂry and despite my best efforts to avoid it, they always end up hitÂting me in the face.
Fictional character I most identify with: ProbÂaÂbly Hermione Granger. Except more Hufflepuffây.
Favorite quote: âThe way to get startÂed is to quit talkÂing and begin doing.â âWalt DisÂney
What I love most about my job: Being able to conÂnect with peoÂple! I manÂaged wedÂding venues for 10 years before joinÂing HCTG and I relate so strongÂly to the hardÂworkÂing folks runÂning our partÂner venues. Itâs such a privÂiÂlege to earn a livÂing buildÂing meanÂingÂful relaÂtionÂships and strateÂgizÂing with like-mindÂed individuals!
Most embarrassing moment: I acciÂdenÂtalÂly slapped Justin TimÂberÂlake in the face once. My dad was a proÂfesÂsionÂal musiÂcian and I was with him and a friend backÂstage at the Latin GramÂmys when I saw him. My friend and I (both around 15 at the time) were about to walk past Justin when heâââseeÂing two girls at prime ââN Sync-lovÂing ageâââvery kindÂly tossed us a bone by smilÂing and winkÂing at us. My friend played it cool and simÂply waved back. I, on the othÂer hand, was in shock. I waitÂed until he was just about to pass us before impulÂsiveÂly shovÂing my hand in his face while shoutÂing ââHI!â The image of him pulling his head back and sayÂing ââWhoooooooa!â is forÂevÂer burned into my memory.