Lisa Shields

Chief Operating Officer

Lisa came to us from the trenches of the local PTA, where she learned how to run a meeting, negotiate a conflict, plan a fundraiser, and control a room of third graders—all while holding a crying baby and hopping on one foot. Well, this determined stay-at-home-mom quickly became pivotal to HCTG's success, moving from sales to our Business Development Manager to our Chief Operating Officer in the span of just 9 years. Proving once again there is nothing a smart, multi-tasking mom can't do.

Insider Info

Extracurricular activities: Ten­nis, enter­tain­ing, pedi­cures (those count, right?).

Favorite way to wind down after a hard day: A MaiTai and a Hawai­ian sun­set. But since that isn’t every­day life…a cup of decaf and a gluten-free cook­ie has to do the job. #butre­al­ly­hawaii

What people most underestimate about me: My intuition…sometimes I even under­es­ti­mate it myself.

Marriage advice from the trenches: The depth of your rela­tion­ships in life are direct­ly pro­por­tion­al to your will­ing­ness to be vul­ner­a­ble. If you want a deep and con­nect­ed mar­riage (or friend­ships, for that mat­ter) break down all of those walls and be brave enough to speak your truth. Even the messy parts. Even when it’s real­ly, real­ly hard. A life­long mar­riage stems first from that deep lev­el of honesty.

My biggest vice: Diet Coke. Most of my Hop­py sis­ters are try­ing to stage an inter­ven­tion. I wish them luck. I am a fierce competitor.

Celebrity I would most like to have a one-on-one date with: Scott Foley. This is not an office secret.

Staff person I turn to most often for help: If I’m choos­ing only one, it’s Mered­ith. She’s wise, lov­ing, hon­est, and fierce­ly loy­al. My life is so much bet­ter because of her. But also, I’m very grate­ful that I can turn to any one of my co-work­ers at any time for advice, whether it be work relat­ed, a fash­ion con­sult, or just a dose of san­i­ty. These women are always there to lend an ear and wise coun­sel. What gems!

Most unrealistic life goal: Make mil­lions of dol­lars play­ing ten­nis on Cen­ter Court Wim­ble­don. Yes, I would like to be Maria Sharapova.

Source of inspiration: My 3 chil­dren inspire me dai­ly. My old­est daugh­ter reminds me to set high goals and stan­dards and then attack them with tenac­i­ty and hard work. My son reminds me that resilience is as impor­tant as any oth­er qual­i­ty one can pos­sess. My youngest daugh­ter reminds me to smile and love myself. They’re a great com­bi­na­tion and I’m one lucky mom!

Favorite quote: Love is not affec­tion­ate feel­ing, but a steady wish for the loved per­son­’s ulti­mate good as far as it can be obtained.” C.S. Lewis

What I like most about my job: Hands down, the oth­er women in this com­pa­ny. They epit­o­mize what women should be: smart, con­fi­dent, sup­port­ive, authen­tic, kind and just down­right FUN!