Katelyn League

Senior Regional Sales Manager

Our satellite office in Austin, Texas, fell in love the day Katelyn entered our midst. She encompasses the ideal one-two punch of fierce tenacity and southern charm that qualifies her as a Here Comes The Guide gal, through and through. By day you can find her chatting with her clients about Auburn Football (War Eagle!), or utilizing her eye for design to 'pretty us up'. And by night, watch out as this girl roughs things up on the co-ed soccer field and then heads home to cook a gourmet gluten-free meal for her hubby and two littles. Yes, she really can do it all. Don't simply take our word for it though—we dare you to pick up the phone and give her a call. No doubt you'll swoon, just like we have.

Insider Info

Domestic status: Mar­ried to my hand­some hub­by since 2015, and am a proud mama of two young kiddos. 

Favorite quote: Don’t sweat the pet­ty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things.

Best premarital advice: Find a part­ner you real­ly enjoy — one you feel com­fort­able talk­ing about your goals and future with. I high­ly rec­om­mend mar­riage coun­sel­ing and/​or work­shops lead­ing up to the big day”. Major prob­lems don’t always show up dur­ing the hon­ey­moon stage’ of your rela­tion­ship, so it’s a good idea to dig deep­er before you get mar­ried so that you’ll be bet­ter pre­pared to deal with issues that may sur­face once the hon­ey­moon phase ends.

Dream honeymoon: An all-inclu­sive,” expens­es paid shop­ping spree to Tar­get, or a cross-coun­try trip in an RV — I’ve always want­ed to check out the Wild West”!

Guilty pleasures: Dark choco­late and cham­pagne. And yes, I mean togeth­er. You’d be sur­prised how good they taste in unison!

Where you can find me on Saturdays: Teach­ing an ear­ly morn­ing HIIT boot­camp class, then spend­ing time with my hus­band and kid­dos watch­ing Auburn foot­ball, craft­ing, bak­ing, or explor­ing the outdoors.

What people most underestimate about me: I thrive on bring­ing order to chaos. Have a pantry you want to invite me to orga­nize? Chal­lenge accepted.

What pushes my panic button: Clut­ter and mess­es and bugs (main­ly roach­es and spi­ders) — as a boy mom, I now have to pre­tend that they don’t both­er me as much as they do. 

Best advice to brides: Enjoy the expe­ri­ence and time with your loved ones, and don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way. The plan­ning stage is sup­posed to be fun! Try not to get hung up on all the lit­tle details, give your­self the free­dom to make mis­takes, and incor­po­rate some DIY ideas if you can — they add that per­son­al touch and make your day that much more special.

Staff people I turn to most often for help: Lisa, Mag­gie, Sarah, and Denise — just to name a few. I can’t imag­ine my life with­out these boss babes! Soft­ware trou­bleshoot­ing, sales train­ing, inspi­ra­tion, par­ent­ing hacks, life tips, talk­ing me off the ledge? Check! They’ve got me covered.

Favorite thing about HCTG: We are daugh­ters, sis­ters, moth­ers, and friends. We are pas­sion­ate about what we do. I work with women I gen­uine­ly trust and admire. We don’t back down from a chal­lenge. We’re unstop­pable, and togeth­er we could con­quer the world!