Jessica Brie Johnson

Sales Lead + Staff Development & Outside Sales Manager

While the Beatles may have recorded the song “To Know Her Is To Love Her” before she was born, we're convinced that The Universe had JessBrie in mind when John Lennon sang those lyrics. You simply can’t walk away from a conversation with JessBrie without the warm fuzzies. And while she's endearingly sweet, she's equally fierce and determined. In fact, before joining the Here Comes The Guide sisterhood, her days were often spent powering through the chains of command at companies like UPS and FedEx to locate lost or delayed engagement ring shipments. Undeterred by all the "on hold" music she was forced to listen to, she saved the day many times by tracking down a ring and getting it delivered with minutes to spare before the groom got down on his knee. She made it her mission to ensure that love prevailed—and she still does by discovering the best wedding venues across the country.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Extracurricular activities: Net­flix, wine, and a jar of Nutel­la. I also enjoy going on adven­tures and explor­ing new places to grab a beer, watch a base­ball game, and eat! I’ve also been known to dab­ble in some soft­ball, but that requires run­ning so I don’t do it too much any­more. Also, I real­ly enjoy going to live music shows! Usu­al­ly punk rock, and you’ll find me danc­ing the night away in the mosh pits. Yup, the mosh pits!

Source of inspiration: My mom. Not only is she one of the best peo­ple I know, she’s my best friend. And Buffy The Vam­pire Slay­er. I pret­ty much look up to pret­ty ladies that kick ass!

Guilty pleasures: Chick flicks, and any­thing Vam­pire or zom­bie-relat­ed for sure! THE TRUTH IS OUT! Also, I lit­er­al­ly carve out me time” each month, which is ded­i­cat­ed to Thai food take­out, a bot­tle of red, and a True Blood” binge or some awful, cheesy, pre­dictable roman­tic (all ends hap­pi­ly ever after) movie.

Best advice to brides: It’s SO easy to get caught up in every lit­tle detail and obsess about every­thing going the way it was planned to go”. Just know It’s not going to go as planned — peo­ple who RSVP’d may not make it, or the groom may have had to break up a fist­fight 5 min­utes before the cer­e­mo­ny (true sto­ry) — but LET IT GO (I pic­ture the Frozen song being sung right now!). Just remem­ber what the day is actu­al­ly about, laugh, have a glass of wine, and dance your lit­tle hearts out because you two deserve that!

Favorite things: In addi­tion to my guilty plea­sures, I love pup­pies, my fam­i­ly, my kit­tens (Z and Goose), Thai food, beer, moun­tains, fish­ing, hik­ing, rodeos, tat­toos and tat­tooed men, base­ball (Giants!), pub crawls, spicy chick­en wings, Bay­side (favorite band), In and Out Burg­er, vaca­tions, mar­gar­i­tas, piña coladas, pet­ting zoos, farms, live music, my beard­ed drag­on (Spike), cof­fee, Carmel­lows, and wildflowers.

What I like most about my job: Every­thing. This com­pa­ny is tru­ly amaz­ing, and I feel good about what I’m doing to help cou­ples find their dream venue. And above all else, I love THE TEAM! This group of women are the most fierce, strong, fun­ny, incred­i­bly smart, and com­pas­sion­ate I have ever met, and I am so thank­ful for all of them each and everyday :)