Cooper Schwartz

Staff Support/Customer Relations

Cooper's our unofficial mascot and inspiration at Here Comes The Guide. A consummate perfectionist, he prefers to focus on one task until he feels he's succeeded; whether it's playing fetch, chewing the nose off of his favorite stuffed toy "woobie," or going for a nice long walk or run. Cooper loves being the only male member of Here Comes The Guide, and often greets his coworkers in the morning by dropping a stuffed toy at their feet, as his way of saying, "hi."

Insider Info

Domestic Status: Sin­gle. I’m kind of into the cat I live with, but she’s just not that into me.

Best Advice to Brides: Don’t for­get to play with your part­ner often to de-stress. A nice long game of fetch can work won­ders after a long day.

Extracurricular Activities: Did some­one say fetch”? Also enjoy bel­ly rubs, chew toys, and long walks on the leash.

Favorite Wedding Detail: The flow­ers. They’re my favorite place to pee.

Guilty Pleasure: Flirt­ing with the Here Comes The Guide staff (they’re so cute!), chew­ing the noses off every stuffed ani­mal in sight.

Celebrity I Would Most Like to Have Lunch With: Cesar Mil­lan, the Dog Whis­per­er.” I think he’d real­ly get” me.

Favorite Way to Wind Down After a Hard Day: Curl­ing up with my mom (Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, Mered­ith Schwartz) for a bel­ly rub and cud­dle time, doing 4‑mile runs with Dad.

What People Most Underestimate About Me: I’ve been work­ing at Here Comes The Guide since I was 3 months old. What were YOU doing at that age?

Fictional Character I Most Identify With: Verdell from As Good As It Gets.” What can I say? Peo­ple like to fight over me.

Breed: Pure­bred Boston Terrier

AKC Registered Name: The Count of Monte Coop­er. My mom was read­ing The Count of Monte Cristo when they got me. I’m called Coop­er after the Mini Coop­er, one of my dad’s favorite cars.

Inter­est­ed in own­ing a Boston Ter­ri­er? Make sure to read all about Bostons and the best way to find a rep­utable breed­er at the Boston Ter­ri­er Club of Amer­i­ca’s web­site. If you’re inter­est­ed in res­cu­ing a Boston, please vis­it Bostons By the Bay or Won­der Dog Res­cue.