Carly Lindquist

Client Success Manager

Carly brings a tremendous wealth of knowledge to her work at Here Comes The Guide. As a former venue sales manager herself, she knows the ins and outs of what it takes to run a successful wedding business and loves nothing more than to help her clients succeed. In her free time, you can find Carly adventuring and traveling or spending quality time with her family. She also spends plenty of quality snuggle time with her golden retriever puppy and 2 lovable kitties. Everyone in her life benefits from her generous heart and we consider ourselves so lucky to have her.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Things I love: My fam­i­ly, my ani­mals — two cats and one pup­py — the col­or pink, lake days, sun­shine, and cycling classes.

How I spend my free time: Read­ing, hang­ing out with my fam­i­ly (my sis­ters and I are always togeth­er), obsess­ing over my ani­mals, clean­ing up after my ani­mals, online shop­ping, and binge-watch­ing a good show.

Show that I never get sick of watching: Schit­t’s Creek. I’ve watched it from start to fin­ish more than 10 times.

What pushes my panic button:  Dri­ving in the win­ter. I have lived in the Mid­west my whole life and I will make every excuse to stay at home when there is one snowflake in the air. Sor­ry, I can’t make it tonight! My cat fell asleep on my lap! 

Guilty Pleasure:  Binge-watch­ing a real­ly good show or movie series with a piz­za, Diet Coke, and popcorn.

Something not a lot of people know about me: I am ter­ri­fied of swim­ming in any body of water that I can’t see the bot­tom of. Not know­ing what lurks under­neath is hor­ri­fy­ing. I love being at the lake or beach, but I need a floaty and I will splash around to scare all the fish and what­ev­er else is in there away.

Childhood career choice: Dol­phin train­er! That dream was crushed around the time I got sick from dis­sect­ing a worm in sci­ence class.

What I love about my job: There are so many things to love about my job! Every­one was so will­ing to help and answer ques­tions from day one! My favorite part is the abil­i­ty to cre­ate a healthy work/​life bal­ance. Every work­place needs to take a page out of Here Comes The Guide’s book.