Becca Ballenger

Senior Production Assistant

Becca is that rare unicorn—equal parts efficient, organized and logical, yet wildly creative at the same time. A MyGuide bride herself, she happened upon our job posting while perusing for her perfect wedding venue! Kismet! Nowadays, when she isn’t gussying up client profiles on our website, she’s pursuing a professional acting career in the heart of NYC. See what I mean? #rightbrain #leftbrain Oh, and every morning you can catch her walking her cat (yes! walking her CAT!) through the park. #toocute Becca may have found us originally, but we've found a Hoppy sister through and through.

Contact Becca regarding photos and production issues on

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Extracurricular activities: When I’m not pound­ing the pro­duc­tion path with my favorite Hop­pies, I’m work­ing as a pro­fes­sion­al actor (check me out!). I’ve per­formed off-Broad­way and at the­aters around the coun­try. My hus­band is the Direc­tor of Tick­et­ing Ser­vices for a Broad­way com­pa­ny, so you can fre­quent­ly find us at the the­atre, or near­by drink­ing craft cock­tails and talk­ing about our cat.

Domestic status: I made it legal with my favorite guy in Sep­tem­ber 2019 in the Adiron­dacks! We had a week­end-long Quak­er-inspired wed­ding at a camp once vis­it­ed by Eleanor Roo­sevelt (in oth­er words, it’s just SO. US.). You can read about it here!

Guilty Pleasure: I don’t believe in feel­ing guilty about my plea­sures! Some of my best gals and I get togeth­er on Mon­day nights for The Bach­e­lor — bub­ble tea, Pirate’s Booty, and strong opin­ions can always be expected.

Places I’ve lived: I grew up in Boise, Ida­ho, moved to North­ern Michi­gan for board­ing school, and then went to col­lege in NYC, where I’ve been for over a decade now.

Favorite things: Trav­el­ing and learn­ing and explor­ing, cook­ing while sip­ping a chilled sauv blanc, spot­ting a lif­er with my group of 7am Cen­tral Park bird­watch­ers, pet­ting oth­er people’s dogs.

What I love most about Here Comes The Guide: The sup­port I get from these women is incred­i­ble. Whether I’m hav­ing a good day or a tough one, I know they always have my back.