Amy Sanderson

Senior Production Assistant

Being a retail store manager for several years taught Amy two things: to love helping people find exactly what they need, and how to handle the worst situations with ease. She also realized that humor has to be part of every workday, so making her coworker-turned-friends laugh is a top priority—if she has a chance to be silly, she’ll take it! Her silliness is often focused on the two people she loves most: her daughters.

Insider Info

Pronouns: they / them, I’m non-binary! 

Domestic status: The moth­er of a sweet-as-sug­ar 12-year-old girl that’s addict­ed to video games and a 4‑year-old girl that keeps them all enter­tained with songs and smiles.

Most Unrealistic Life Goal: To live my life as a ski instruc­tor at dif­fer­ent resorts, mov­ing from one to anoth­er as the snow melts! That didn’t pan out, but the path I took instead was much more emo­tion­al­ly rewarding.

What people underestimate about me: I can get very pas­sion­ate about the things I believe in. If you don’t think that the dif­fer­ences between us make human­i­ty beau­ti­ful, I’ll want to know why not. 

Favorite quote: To plant a gar­den is to believe in tomor­row.” Audrey Hepburn

A memorable wedding: I have three favorites — I can’t pick just one! At the first, a friend from high school had her wed­ding in Ore­gon out­side on the grass. There was live folk music, which result­ed in every­one danc­ing bare­foot. The sec­ond was in Hawaii, where my col­lege best friend grew up. I was preg­nant with my daugh­ter, and at the recep­tion every­one end­ed up scream/​singing music we all loved and danc­ing our hearts out. The third was out­side on a hot day in Sacra­men­to. The best man tack­led the groom into the pool…and ev-er-y-one fol­lowed suit — includ­ing the bride. We all laughed like idiots and danced in the shal­low end. I see a theme here– *dance dance*.

Favorite way to wind down after a long day: All I need after a long day, no mat­ter how stress­ful, is cud­dles with my loves.

Favorite culinary aphrodisiac: Pesto. Is. So. Deli­cious. I make my own vari­eties and use the most ridicu­lous por­tions in my food. Gar­lic is good for your immune sys­tem right? That’s total­ly why I use so much…

Celebrity I would most like to have a one-on-one date with: Tina Fey. No. Amy Poehler. No. Neil Degrasse Tyson. Wait! Paul F. Tomp­kins. Okay, this ques­tion is too hard to answer. I could list 5 – 10 oth­er peo­ple. Pass.

Favorite things: Ski­ing, read­ing, table­top gam­ing, D&D, video games, watch­ing my favorite TV series/​movies, walk­ing around mid­town Sacra­men­to in the spring. Top any of those off with either a glass of red wine or a tasty sour beer. The ol’ fun n’ yum.

Guilty pleasure: Mak­ing a hearty brunch on Sat­ur­day, eat­ing to the point of no return, and binge watch­ing either a new or well-loved show/​movie. Then, if we’re able to move before the Farmer’s Mar­ket clos­es, go buy pesto ingre­di­ents to resupply.

Childhood career choice: Be an astronomer and dis­cov­er new plan­ets. I’ve always been a huge Sci-Fi lover. There’s so much we don’t know!

What I like most about my job: That’s easy — the women I work with. They’re all so fun­ny, kind, sup­port­ive, pas­sion­ate, moti­vat­ing, and wel­com­ing of the per­son I am. Did I say sup­port­ive? It’s worth men­tion­ing twice. I also love help­ing peo­ple all day and incor­po­rat­ing my weird per­son­al­i­ty into my work. This is the best job that I’ve ever had!