Madison Woodhouse

Client Success Manager

If our team were a wedding party, Madison would be the ultimate Matron of Honor—ensuring everyone's calendars were synced, attire was ordered, and every last detail was placed to perfection. Madison loves to plan and host parties (be sure to ask her about the birthday parties she planned for her dogs!), and is an aspiring homesteader with a long list of animals she wants to add to the Woodhouse Farm. Madison's passion for events paired with her boldly authentic personality makes her the perfect marketing partner for our wedding venues. And clients take note: she always has cute animal pictures on deck when you're in need of a pick-me-up.

Insider Info

Domestic Status: Mar­ried to the love of my life, Cory! He is sim­ply the best and I learn so much from him every day — and he’s hot, so win-win for me!

Best Marriage Advice: Make sure that you like AND love the per­son you are mak­ing vows to. There is a lot in your lives that will change, and some days you won’t want to give 100% into your rela­tion­ship, but hav­ing a strong foun­da­tion with your per­son will make it all worth it. You at 25 will be a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent per­son than you at 50, and it will be the same for your spouse. If you pri­or­i­tize grow­ing togeth­er even though you are dif­fer­ent peo­ple, com­mu­ni­cat­ing through­out each change about what is impor­tant, and tack­ling each sit­u­a­tion head-on rather than sweep­ing it under the rug, you will build a last­ing foun­da­tion that will stand the test of time no mat­ter what changes come your way.

Fictional Character I Most Identify With: Win­ston Sainte-Marie Schmidt, from New Girl. Although I don’t have a douchebag jar, I fre­quent­ly mis­pro­nounce words, have a taste for the fin­er things in life, and will always love man­go chutney…or real­ly any type of chutney. 

Celebrity I Would Most Like To Have A One-on-One Date With: Ian Somer­halder. I have a thing for the bad boy types and will for­ev­er be #team­da­mon. Have you seen his blue eyes??? 

Dream Vacation Spot: It is on my buck­et list to go to Scot­land! I’ve always had a deep long­ing to be among the Scot­tish High­lands, but for now, I will have to get my fill watch­ing Out­lander.

Favorite Things: My fur babies, dark choco­late, movie nights with my hub­by, blue­ber­ry muffins, linen dress­es, hear­ing the birds chirp on an ear­ly spring morn­ing, evening walks, chick­en nuggets, and Jesus. 

Films I Never Get Tired Of Watching: All of the Shrek movies — they are prime con­tent and you won’t con­vince me oth­er­wise. Also Legal­ly Blonde, Sleep­over (my dad got me a tiny green car because I used to watch this movie non-stop), and pret­ty much any oth­er chick flick. 

Life Goal: Sell every­thing and trav­el full-time! I want to fol­low the sea­sons and wake up with the world as my back­yard. I am a nomad at heart and crave new experiences! 

What I Love Most About My Job: The peo­ple. HCTG is a safe place to be your­self; I have nev­er felt ashamed of show­ing 100% of who I am and that feels like a big warm hug on a win­ter day.