Cat Morris

Client Success Manager

Cat's journey to becoming a "Hoppy" (our affectionate term for Here Comes The Guide team members) is a testament to her standout qualities and pure kismet. Initially joining us as a contract worker for a venue project, Cat's dedication and talent quickly shone through. And when an opportunity arose for a full-time position, we knew exactly who to call. Cat's super sweet heart and fierce loyalty make her an invaluable friend and colleague. These qualities extend to her work, where she forms deep connections with the venues she partners with. When she's not nurturing client relationships, you might find Cat party planning, loving on animals, or daydreaming of her happy place: the beaches of the Caribbean.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Dream Vacation: New Zealand. It looks gor­geous!! I’m also a big Lord of The Rings fan, so it would be awe­some to explore Mid­dle Earth”!! (New Zealand is where the movies were filmed.)

Favorite quote: I have found it is the small things, every­day deeds of ordi­nary folk, that keep the Dark­ness at bay. Sim­ple acts of kind­ness and love… Why Bil­bo Bag­gins? Per­haps because I am afraid, and he gives me courage.” — Gan­dalf the Grey

Favorite wedding-related movie: Crazy Rich Asians. The cer­e­mo­ny scene where the water fills the aisle and the bride steps into the water with the lights all around her… **mag­ic**

Guilty Pleasure: Those cute lit­tle desserts & pas­tries from local bak­eries!! If there’s some­thing with pis­ta­chio in it, I’m 100% get­ting it! Also don’t judge but, watch­ing the Twi­light movies… I used to watch them as a kid and took them seri­ous­ly lol, but now I watch them as a com­e­dy because it’s so ridicu­lous. This is the skin of a killer Bel­la” makes me laugh every time.

How I spend my free time: Hang­ing out with friends and fam­i­ly, watch­ing movies, going for walks, cook­ing all day Sun­day while sip­ping cock­tails, going to the park, and going to my hap­py place — the beach!! 

TV show that I never get sick of watching: Parks and Rec!! It nev­er fails to make me laugh!! Every sin­gle char­ac­ter is relat­able and Leslie Knope gives me motivation!

What I love most about my job: The amaz­ing peo­ple I work with!! I’ve nev­er been sur­round­ed by such a sup­port­ive, pos­i­tive group of peo­ple before — at first I thought it was too good to be true…but some­times in life, you get lucky and the uni­verse sends you a bless­ing like Here Comes The Guide!!